In My Flowerbed

by Mara Panich

Photograph by Issue 31 featured artist, Brooke Williams

Photograph by Issue 31 featured artist, Brooke Williams


In My Flowerbed

decay does not frighten me

it is the stopping parts

of death that incite

restless dread rot and visual degradation


with life

bones carrying on without soul to move them


where goes the voice

the song

of the skeletal bird

lying hollow

in spring dirt

What talons will grasp and scrape

for sustenance

in its stead


Halted and still

I could not focus

on her body

always imagining

the rise

and fall

of her chest


but I watch

with eyes


as the box

that contains

her physical evidence of continuation



and covered with dirt and green grass


Mother I think you

would have preferred

to decay

like a broken sparrow

in my flowerbed


Mara Panich.JPG

Mara Panich is a writer, artist, and bookseller in Missoula, Montana. She holds a BA in Creative Writing and English Literature from Purdue University and completed post-graduate studies at the University of Montana. Her work has been published in CutBank Online, The Bitchin' Kitsch, Awake in the World, V2, Women Under Scrutiny, We Leave the Flowers Where They Are, and other anthologies.